Recaps Archive

Faces Of DolfansNYC: Poor Sportsmanship Edition

Monday, December 7th, 2009

Normally you guys would see a video from Third and Long here, but this week we have something a little different for you. I kept meaning to take out the video camera and film all of the awesome people of DolfansNYC, but the Miami Dolphins kept the game very interesting today and I just couldn’t bring myself to move my attention away from the TV. But, I can tell you that the energy at the bar was amazing, the celebrations were huge and the singing was LOUD!

As many of you may know, DolfansNYC was started because a small group of us were sick of being stuck in the corner of a Patriots bar. Well, today we felt that it would only be fitting to go back there and have a couple celebratory drinks.
Check out the video of our walk over and enjoy another edition of Igor’s “Faces of DolfansNYC”.

Week 12 Pictures

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

I don’t even want to talk about it.  I am not sure if it’s better or worse that New England got killed today. We should be playing for first place next week.  Kill me.

Double click the slide show to get to the gallery on Flickr so you can download the pictures.

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Panther’s Week Pics

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Wow, last Thursday was crazy. We packed that place.  This club has really become something.  When Ricky scored at the end of that game, I thought the place was going to come apart. It’s great to be back at 5 and 5 and with the Cincy, Pittsburgh and Denver all losing we are in pretty decent shape for the Wild Card. We still have games against Pittsburgh, Jacksonville & Houston and have a chance to put ourselves in good shape with wins in all three of those games.  Of course none of it will matter if we don’t take care of the division.  With Buffalo and New England coming up, this should be an exciting few weeks of football.

Anyway, check out all the pictures from last week below and please send positive thoughts towards Jake Grove’s ankle.  We really need him back.

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A Good Cause and A Good Cry

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
Well, I’m almost recovered from that terrible loss to the Patriots – a team that I dislike A LOT! As some of you may know, I used to watch the Phins games in a Pats bar. It was brutal, week after week, but also inspired Igor and I to start DolfansNYC, so certainly a bittersweet experience.
In any case, the thing that definitely helped me feel better about the game was looking back at how awesome the people at Third and Long were on Sunday. So many of you contributed to our fundraiser to support the club and The I Will Foundation. I had a terrific opportunity to meet Matt Long, the founder of I Will. His story is moving and inspiring and I encourage all of you to check it out on his website We talked about having him come in to meet everyone during one of our games in December, which is going to be awesome!
Dolfans – I can’t thank you all enough for your generosity, enthusiasm and great energy! You are the reason this club is so awesome and I look forward to seeing you guys during the weeks ahead.
Also a VERY special thanks to Curtis, the manager at the bar, who has been a great supporter of DolfansNYC and continues to be a rock star! You’re the best!
Enjoy this short video from Sunday at Third and Long.

New England Week Photos

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

It took me a few days to get back to the computer after that awful loss against the Patriots.  We just seem to want to throw away these winnable games. Still, our fund raiser nearly doubled what we were trying to raise and we are going to be able to give the I Will Foundation a pretty decent check.  I think people had a lot of fun.  I only shot a few photos because I hadn’t slept and because I was freaking out about the game, but the ones I shot are pretty nice. You should check them out below.  As always double click the slide show to get to our Flickr site and download the pictures.  We will have video up soon.

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Dolfans NYC Tailgate Video

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

Hey guys! Sorry this is so late. It’s just been one of those weeks. So, I know everyone’s getting jazzed for the game against the Pats (I’m so excited!!), but I just wanted to go back to last Sunday for a second and talk about how ridiculously AWESOME that day was! And I was able to relive it while editing this video for you tonight.

Here’s a rundown of how the day went for me:
6:00am – Wake up – Get things ready for tailgate.
7:00am – Head over to the rental car place. Pick up my car. (I was fully prepared to swap it out if they pulled up with a Jet green car – thankfully that wasn’t necessary).
8:20am – Meet up with Jen, Jarrett, Igor, Brian and Alex. Start packing up the car.
8:40am – Kat and co pull up in their car (carrying the prized Dolphins beer pong table!)
8:45amam – Hit the road and drive out to the Meadowlands!
9:15am – Get to stadium, park in lot 16C near other Dolfans and start setting up shop.
9:30am – Send out text to DolfansNYC people to let them know where we were
9:30am – 12:30pm – Party like it’s 1999 at 16C. Complete with BBQ, Beer Pong, The Fight Song and a Beer Funnel!
1:00pm – Walk up to our seats – Last row of the stadium – approx 5 ft under the Goodyear blimp. 🙂
1:00pm – 4:00-ish pm – Watch the Miami Dolphins sweep the Jets….and Ted Ginn Jr make history!
4:30pm – 5:30pm – Hang out and celebrate with DolfansNYC
5:30pm – Drive back to the city
6:30pm – Return rental car
7:00pm – Bask in the glory of an incredible day and pass out from sheer exhaustion.
I hope you guys enjoy sharing in the fun of November 1st, by checking out the video.


Monday, November 2nd, 2009

The Dolphins took out the Jets yesterday and may have redeemed Ted Ginn at least for a few days. It was a great thing to watch and we were there.  DolfansNYC turned out in force and we helped take over the stadium. It was beautiful.  Besides the 30 tickets we bought as a group a ton of other members came out to tailgate and we had a blast.  We passed out nearly 300 flyers for the club, so I expect next Sunday’s tailgate party/fundraiser for the Pats game to be nuts.  We have worked it out so there will be a huge spread of food at Third and Long that you can gorge yourself on for $10 which goes to promoting the club and to Third & Longs charity the I Will Foundation.  But back to yesterday…

I took a ton of pictures of the tailgate and Michelle shot a lot of video. We will have two new videos going up this week and Michelle is going to give you her own recap of our tailgate party.  What a weekend.  Check out the pictures below and as always double click the slideshow to go to the Flickr page to download the images.

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Moving Forward…

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

Wednesdays are usually when I can start dealing with life after a Dolphins loss.  This one stung extra badly and every time I am reminded of football I get flashbacks to Drew Brees dismantling the Dolphins after the 28 best minutes of football the Dolphins have played in a decade. Can we get over this? Personally, I probably will be able to sleep 8 hours without having a nightmare involving a wide open Ted Ginn dropping a pass one day, but I am not sure the Dolphins can get back into the hunt.  They are now dead last in the AFC East with two tough division games.  If we can manage to win the next two games, things soften up quite a bit and we will be 4-0 in the division.  If we lose one of the next two, it is pretty much game over as far as 2009 goes. I still have hope.

I took a lot of photos before half time of the Saints game and you can check them out below.  People were in a joyous mood as we sang the Dolphins fight song until our throats hurt.  I want to look at these photos and pretend the thirty minutes that followed them never happened. If you click the slideshow below it will take you to Flickr where you can download the pictures for your Facebooks or Friendsters or whatever the kids are doing these days.

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KO’d The Jets!

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

So who’s still thinking about that game on Monday night??? I know we are!!! The Dolphins looked amazing and scored their second win of the season. What made it even sweeter is that it was against those stinking Jets!
Stay tuned for photos from the bar.

Guess what guys?! We have THIRTY Dolfans going to the Meadowlands on November 1st for the rematch. We’ll be in sections 306 and 326. If you want to join us for tailgating, please e-mail

Enjoy the bye weekend and we’ll see you on October 25th for Dolphins vs Saints!

PS….Mark the calendar — tailgate party at Third and Long for Dolphins vs Patriots on November 8th!


Week 4 Photos!

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Finally we have something to smile about! It’s so much easier taking photos when we are kicking the snot out of another team… Especially the hated Bills.  Even though the Patriots are probably the most hated team in the history of football, and the Jets have given us nightmares over the last decade, I still hate the Bills most of all.  Growing up watching Jim Kelly keep Dan out of Super Bowl after Super Bowl I just get enraged whenever I see blue and red.

Anyway, I think I got some good pictures this week, check them out below. If you want to download a picture, click the slide show and it will link to our Flicker account.

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