So last Sunday was a great win and I think we had a lot of fun at the club. We finally had a game we could enjoy because we actually got up on them and could relax for almost a quarter. Unforutunately the injury news was grim and watching the Jets steal an overtime victory made the taste of the win a little bitter. The Jets keep winning games they should not win and it is insanely frustrating. Chad Pennington is done for the year and we are going to be sending a severely banged up team into battle against a pretty decent Chicago Bears. I have a ton of friends from Chicago so I am hoping we can win to shut these guys the fuck up. I have a feeling some of them are going to show up at Third and Long but I’ll make them sit by the door…
I will make the announcement tomorrow or Wednesday but we have some surprises in store for you guys on Thursday. It will be a big party and we will be raising money for charity and hooking you guys up in the process so get excited for Thursday night football.
And let the football gods shine on Tyler Thigpen. Enjoy the photos from Sunday and double click the slideshow below if you want to save any of the photos.
The bar started out a little bit empty on Sunday but it was Halloween and everyone was partying the night before, that being said, by the end of the 1st quarter the crowd was bumping like usual. Five field goals was very frustrating for everyone, but signing the fight song after that touchdown was worth all the anguish. We took another game on the road and hopefully we will do it again next week and hopefully I will be at the game. I grew up right outside of DC and I spent a lot of time in Baltimore as a misguided teen. I love the city but hate the Ravens. I can’t wait.
If you check out the pictures below you will notice a few things. 1) It was Curtis the Third & Long bar manager’s birthday and Michelle got him a cake. That made for a fun and delicous two minute warning. 2) I have noticed that the Last Rights Mac 10 T-shirt is becoming really popular. People ask me about mine, so check their website if you want one. 3) We got new shirts in and the logo is bigger. Michelle should have them next week as I will be out of town but we should have every size now.
Anyway, check the slide show below and double click if you want to download a picture. Go Dolphins!
Well that was awesome. An overtime win in Green Bay? Perfect. On top of that their were no injuries and we get John Jerry back this week. Unfortunately it looks like Odrick is out for the year with a broken leg, but he has only played 3 quarters all year so I am not too stressed out about it. Anyway, the game was great even if it was a bit too close for comfort, but then again every Phins game is like that so I guess I should be used to it. Henne played great, Marshall was in full Beast Mode and Cam Wake was dominant. He had three sacks and three more hurries. He played out of his mind. Cam Wake and I both went to Penn State so I have been trying to get people in the bar to chant “WE ARE…. CAM WAKE!” whenever he has a sack. Penn State does the “WE ARE… PENN STATE!” cheer so I thought it would be appropriate. It hasn’t really caught on yet, but maybe we can run with it…
Anyway, I got a new camera this week and it is very small but still high quality so I don’t have to lug my serious camera around with me anymore. I didn’t take a lot of shots on Sunday but there were some good ones. Check the slideshow below and as always if you want to download a photo just double click on it and it will take you to the Flickr page.
So I don’t even want to talk about the disaster that is last weeks MNF game against the Patriots other than to say I have never seen a game where a team is clearly beating another team on offense and defense and then lost by 27 points. It was crazy. Last year when we beat the Jets when Teddy Ginn had 2 TD’s we were clearly playing worse football than the Jets, but we won. That type of thing happens, but never by four fucking touchdowns. Insane.
Anyway, just because I am in hiding and super glad there is a bye week so I can ignore football for another week, I do have to post the pictures I took at the Third & Long meet up on Monday. We had a great crowd and we suffered together. We had some new people out and it was good time. I think we have got to have the cutest girls of any sports bar in the city. We also payed Michelle back for the 44 Jets/Dolphins tickets she put on her credit card and we raised a few hundred dollars for charity. In total, along with ad revenue from the site we have raised well over $1000 dollars for charity. It’s pretty impressive guys. Thanks. Anyway, here is a slide show of the pictures from Monday. As always if you want to download a photo just double click the slide show and it will take you directly to the Flickr page.
I really don’t have anything to say about the horrible tragedy that befell Dolphins fans everywhere on Sunday. The defense embarrassed the team and the fans and the Jets are getting three Pro Bowl type players back in the next few weeks. So I am going to cry myself to sleep and you should check out the photos from the meet up at Third & Long below. If you want to download a photo just click it and it will take you to the Flickr page.
Thanks to everyone who came out last week. The place was packed! It was almost too packed and unfortunately there was a line to get in during the first quarter. Luckily everyone who waited got in after a few minutes. Third and Long has told us they were going to make sure they are going to stream line everything and make sure our people are well taken care of. It’s pretty clear the bar was happy with how many people came out.
The game was amazing too. I know the Dolphins offense was sloppy but the defense looked amazing and there were lots of moments for the crowd to go nuts… which we did. I love Third and Long so much. Curtis the manager is amazing and the bartenders are super cool. Even the non Phins fans are great. The “Brew Crew” are the regulars who sit at the bar and bet on EVERYTHING including the color of the bartender’s underwear. There is plenty of NFL betting going on too though if you want to get in on that action. Anyway… the place is home and we love it.
Being recognized by the Dolphins as the official fan club of NYC Phins fans is that we work with the team as much as possible. They hook us up with stuff and soon they are going to send us some autographed stuff to raffle off. We are trying to raise $1000 for the Miami Dolphin Foundation this year and we have made a pretty good start so far raising $300 with ad revenue on the site and selling our DolfansNYC t-shirts. Some of that money is going to go to some of the costs associated with running this club but every other penny is going to charity. The Phins also wanted us to tell you guys about the team photo store. Michelle will talk about it more in another post this week, but for now just check it out. It’s a pretty cool thing and you can get a free picture.
Now, the important news from this update. We got pictures! I try to take pictures every week and I took a bunch from week one. Check out the slideshow below. And just click on it if you want to download any of the pictures.
Now I am off to watch the Jets lose to the Ravens. Go Dolphins!
I ended up getting stuck in DC last weekend and watching the game with the DC fan club. I will take full responsibility for the loss because I left the bar at half time to watch the game at my parents house and we immediately got back into the game. I am pretty sure if I had not been cheating on you guys we would have won the game. My sincere apologies.
Barring a miracle this Sunday will the the last DolfansNYC meet up for a while. We are planning two events for the off season including a draft party and another event that I don’t want to talk about until it’s finalized. We are going to be making shirts in the off season and should have those available online soon probably.
I will talk about it more in the weekely email, but since this is probably the last game I hope everyone comes out even if there is not a lot of importance in this game. Clearly reaching .500 would be nice, but I want everyone to come out so we can say good bye for a while. There are so many awesome people I have met a Third & Long and I hope to see you guys all at least once more before the break.
Anyway, since things are a bit depressing in Dolphins land I will leave you with something to hopefully cheer you up. It is a shout out from Anthony Fasano repping Dolfans NYC. Fasano has been really with us and donated a lot of signed pictures for the raffles we have had this year.
Augh. The Dolphins were robbed by the refs, but it wouldn’t have been an issue if they could have scored in the red zone and didn’t turn the ball over. The playoffs are probably out of reach now, but you never know. We still have things worth rooting for though as we have the Texans next week. We have never beat them and they are the only team to hold that honor. We need to end that.
I saw Rex Ryan at the bank on Friday and I ran into Darrelle Revis at a nightclub last night. I have yet to try to fight an NFL football player, but if I keep seeing Jets I just might. I think I have 15lbs on Revis, although my guess is he can outrun me.
I have to give a shout out to my little brother who is a Titans fan. He came out to the game last week and didn’t talk any smack and actually bought shots for Phins fans after the game. I genuinely think he felt bad about beating us.
And lastly congrats to Hoss for winning the autographed Vernon Carey ball. We met Hoss at our first official DolfansNYC event during the draft last April and he has been out pretty much every week. This year we raised over $300 for the I Will Foundation doing raffles. I hope we can double that up next year.
We just pretty much knocked Jacksonville out of the playoffs last week. We are tied with them, but have the tie breaker head to head. What a great game and a great crowd. The picture probably aren’t my best work yet but I am pretty sure anyone in them had way to much fun to care what the pictures look like. We have a great video this week which is going to be a lot better than these pictures and we have a new DolfansNYC logo coming soon. Did someone say T-shirts? Get excited.
Oh yeah, and as a heads up, we are raffling off an autographed Vernon Carey ball this Sunday!
Pictures below. As always double click to get downloadable pictures from our Flickr account.
Normally I would be posting pictures right now but I failed to take any last week. I am not sure if it was the fact that the game was on TV, or the fact that we got embarrassed by Buffalo the week before but I hate to say Third and Long was a little dead Sunday. It filled up a little by half time, but by then I was too busy biting my fingernails to take any pictures. Fortunately we some how managed to pull the game out with a dominant second half and we got some good video as seen in the last post. The good thing about the game was that the 20 or so people who were there were die hards and the place was going absolutely insane. We all went down to the Patriots bar and did shots, it was a great game. Plus some cute female Dolfans offered me sexual favors in trade for my Cliff Engle sweater, which was a pretty fun way to spend the afternoon. Just kidding, I still have the sweater.
Anyway, things get really exciting with that win and a few losses around the league. With Baltimore and Pittsburgh losing things are looking pretty good for the Dolphins if they win the next four games. All four games are against AFC teams with a shot at the playoffs so everyone is going to be huge… Assuming we keep winning. So here’s how it works. If we win all four games we can get in if Baltimore loses ANY game or if New England loses any (they have three) AFC game. If we win out and New England loses to the Bills, Jags or Texans we win the AFC East. If they lose to Carolina it goes to like the 5th tiebreaker and things get really weird. That’s not worth talking about. Brady is hurting though, and they have two AFC games on the road where they haven’t played well. Baltimore on the other hand has a pretty easy schedule with the Lions, Bears and Raiders left, but they do have a tough matchup against Pittsburgh in week 16. Also, the Raiders are a dangerous team despite their record, and the Ravens have to travel to Oakland after being on the road against Pitt. Should be exciting if the Dolphins can keep winning. Their biggest test might be Jacksonville this Sunday. We better see you out at Third & Long.
And since I don’t have any photos, I wanted to leave you with this, a shout out from Dolphins starting inside linebacker Akin Ayodele.