Posts Tagged ‘tailgate’
Thursday, January 4th, 2024
Get excited because this is the first time in years the #MetLifeTakeover recap video came out before the season was over. Luckily our director and editor, Curtis Edward Paul, has some free time right after the Takeover and was able to finish the whole things in a couple of weeks. That being said, this video was released on social media before the Cowboys game and I am just now getting around to putting the video thanks to visiting family for the holidays and then not wanting to think about football for a few days after the butt kicking the Ravens put on us. Pain.
But yeah, the video is up and it’s amazing. It features interviews with a lot of the regulars like Nat Moore, Joe Rose, Solo D, 2023 Fan of the Year Chris Barker, plus interviews with Frank The Tank, Mary Martinez, the viral elementary school teacher and more. Another viral Dolfan, Kickball Dad, made the video as well. This year wasn’t officially our biggest event ever, but only because the Jets would only sell us around 950 seats. It was the first time we have ever sold out before the season even started, the most busses we have ever had and I know our section had thousands of Dolphins fans because people bought up every ticket in section. The secondary prices in our section was like $80 more than anywhere else in the upper decks. The video very much reflects how amazing our party was.
Shout out again to Urban Tailgate for helping us throw this party, DJ D Rell and crew for the music, Oscar Collazos for hosting the video, all our volunteers and of course all of you guys who came out to party with us.
Now hopefully the Raven’s game has been pushed down into the deepest parts of your brain and you can actually enjoy this video. We worked really hard on it. Phins up!
Tags: chris barker, d rell, dolfans nyc, DolfansNYC, dolphins, frank the tank, jets, joe rose, kickball dad, mary martinez, metlife takeover, metlifetakeover, miami, miami dolphins, Nat Moore, new york jets, solo d, tailgate, Video
Posted in Recaps, Video | Comments Off on 2023 #MetLifeTakeover Recap Video
Tuesday, October 11th, 2022
Despite the loss the Dolphins took on the field, the #MetLifeTakeover weekend was absolutely incredible. I cannot believe how much we have grown and it’s been so great to hear from so many people about how much fun they had despite the game. It means so much to us that you guys keep coming back and we can’t wait to do it again next year, hopefully even bigger. So let’s get to some numbers.
We had over 1400 people sitting together across four sections. We had over 500 people pay for our tailgate with a lot more people just coming to hang out around us in lot L4. We had five busses and gave out 800 rally towels for free. Between two raffles we raised over $5000 for charity and our friends at Ticketboard raised another $1000 with their raffle. We were able to donate $2500 to the Miami Dolphins Foundation, $2000 to the Jason Taylor Foundation, $500 to the Concern Foundation for breast cancer awareness month and we will be matching Ticketboard’s $1000 donation to the Dolphins Cancer Challenge at the end of the season (The DCC is in February 2023).
Next up we have some thanks to give out. First of all thanks to everyone who volunteered to help out, donated raffle prizes and just showed up. Only two of us run this whole thing, but we couldn’t do it without you all. We need to thank our bar Slattery’s Midtown Pub, our catering company Urban Tailgate, The Dolphins, The Jason Taylor Foundation, DJ Syckturtle, Solo D & Miami Sports Music for providing music (and a live podcast). We need to thank Liquid Death, Sailor Jerry, Reyka Vodka & Fistful of Bourbon for providing beverages for our tailgate. Thanks to Oscar and RizeOptix for our recap video (hopefully coming soon – check out last year’s here). Thanks to Antwan Staley for writing about the event for the NY Daily News (if anyone has a copy of Saturday’s paper let us know) and big thanks for Nat Moore & Joe Rose for making it out to the tailgate to sign some autographs and take some pictures.
Between the party at Slattery’s Saturday night and the tailgate on Sunday we had so much fun this weekend. If only the Dolphins could done their part and won. But this isn’t just about football, it’s about friends and doing some good for the community, and on those levels we came out with a huge win. Thanks again for coming out and check out some of the photos I took on Sunday below.

Tags: dolfans nyc, DolfansNYC, dolphins, joe rose, metlife takeover, metlifetakeover, miami, miami dolphins, Nat Moore, solo d, tailgate
Posted in Photos, Recaps | Comments Off on #2022 #MetLifeTakeover Recap & Photos
Wednesday, November 17th, 2021
Once again the #MetLifeTakeover is back! This Sunday the Dolphins play the Jets in Jersey and once again Dolfans NYC will be rolling deep. We have over 700 Dolphins fans sitting together and hundreds more at our tailgate. No matter what happens on the field, this is the one Dolphins event you can’t have a bad time at. We are all sold out of tickets and transportation but you can still buy tailgate tickets.
As always we have TWO events planned, we do a pre-party Saturday night at our bar Slattery’s Midtown Pub and then of course we do the tailgate on game day.
Saturday night: We will be officially starting our party at 7pm and will have a DJ and raffles and a ton of fun and maybe a few surprises. It’s a great, low key way to meet everyone and hang out with a bunch of Dolphins fans. The party ends at 9pm so we can start getting ready for Sunday morning, but you are welcome to continue hanging out at the bar down stairs all night. For those coming from out of town, remember that New York State has a law requiring a Covid vaccination to enter a bar or restaurant. Please don’t show up without proof of vaccination and please don’t argue with Slattery’s staff about it. Thanks for understanding!
Sunday morning: If you are coming with us on the busses Slattery’s opens at 7am. They will have free coffee and bagels for you. Please arrive no later than 7:30am. You must be signed up and on the bus by 7:45. We will not wait for anyone. If you aren’t coming with us, the tailgate starts shortly after 9am when the gates open. We will be in the charter bus lot in Lot L. You can’t park right next to us but you can get very close by purchasing a gold parking pass. If you purchased a tailgate ticket we will have all you can eat and drink. If you don’t have a tailgate ticket, then just BYO and you can still hang out with us. Everyone is welcome! We will have a DJ, raffles, a musical performance by Solo D, and some special appearances. I don’t want to give too much away, but Dolphins legend OJ McDuffie did Tweet about coming to the tailgate so I guess that cat is out of the bag.
This weekend should be a blast and we can’t wait to see everyone. We will be filming our annual #MetLifeTakeover video so be on the lookout for our camera crew and in the meantime you can watch our past videos here. Phins up and see you guys on Saturday!
Tags: dolfans, dolfans nyc, metlifetakeover, miami dolphins, nyc, slattery's midtown pub, tailgate
Posted in Events | Comments Off on Details for the 2021 #MetLifeTakeover
Friday, April 3rd, 2020
The 2019 #MetLifeTakeover video is finally here! It took way longer than we wanted it’s been a crazy winter for all of us here at Dolfans NYC and I am just glad we finally got it done and I think you guys will see that it came out great. 2019 was not exactly a great year for the Dolphins, and this game didn’t go super great on the field, but despite our lower than normal numbers, we had one hell of a tailgate and having two full sections of Dolphins fans is still pretty damn impactful. You could easily hear us on TV yelling from the upper decks.
The video includes interviews with Dolphins alumni Nat Moore, Dolfans NYC regular Shawn Wooden, and Joe Rose plus the Dolphins Jason Jenkin’s who presented us with a framed custom Dolphins jersey celebrating our 10th anniversary of our Jets game takeovers. The video also includes interviews with South Florida South Sentinel Dolphins writers Safid Deen and Omar Kelly and of course a ton of Dolphins fans.
Huge thanks to everyone who helped out, Oscar Collazos for hosting, Curtis from RizeOptix for directing and editing the video, Urban Tailgate for the great food and drink, Solo D for the live performance, Tropic 2.0 & DJ Syck Turtle for the tailgate music and Sailor Jerry for sponsoring the event. Also, a big shout out to for coming out and filming a video about us. And of course big thanks to the Miami Dolphins for all the support including setting up a live taping of The Joe Rose show in the middle of our tailgate.
We also want to thank all of you guys for helping us raise over $10,00 for charity this season. And we need to ask your help again. We are trying to raise money for the 14 members of the Slattery’s staff who have been laid off because of the Coronavirus. So far we have raised enough to give them each $200, but we would like to do more, so if you want to help out, please PayPal us whatever you can to We are going to randomly select one of the people who donate to win a prize once the world gets back to normal, but we don’t know what that is yet because we need to be able to get back into Slattery’s to see what we have to give away.
Okay! That’s it. Please take the time to watch the video, we put a lot of work into it. Plus, I have a feeling you guys don’t have anything else to be doing while you are stuck in quarantine! NYC and Florida are two of the hardest hit places so please, please stay safe out there! Phins up!
Tags: dolfans nyc, DolfansNYC, Ed Perry, Jason Jenkins, joe rose, metlife stadium, metlife takeover, metlifetakeover, miami, miami dolphins, Nat Moore, NFL, nyc, Omar Kelly, safid deen, shawn wooden, slattery's, slattery's midtown pub, tailgate, tailgating, terry kirby, Video
Posted in Video | Comments Off on 2019 #MetLifeTakeover Video
Tuesday, November 13th, 2018
When the schedule came out this year the first thing I did was book a trip to Green Bay with a bunch of other members of Dolfans NYC. As the season went on I found out more and more of our crew was going. We had at least 20 people who went but there were probably a lot more than that. When word got out that we were going people kept asking us if we were doing some sort of “Lambeau Takeover” and while we would never disrespect such a holy place as Lambeau like that we did want to throw a tailgate there, but less than a week out we still didn’t have any actual plans. That’s where Ace came in.
Andrew Abramson who you might remember as a Dolphins reporter from the Palm Beach Post reached out to us on Twitter about tailgating. He heard a guy named Ace had a great location about a block away from the stadium so I reached out to Ace to see what his plans were. He is the manager of a store called Extreme Audio in Manitowoc, WI and asked his boss if when the Dolphins played the Packers he could use the Green Bay location to throw a tailgate. Extreme Audio serves as a parking lot during Packers games so his boss said as long as he could still sell the parking spaces Ace could tailgate there.
It seemed like a perfect solution so we offered to buy 7 parking spaces that we could tailgate in as well as some money to pay for food. I reached out to Sailor Jerry and got them to send us some rum to make spiked hot apple cider. I posted on our social about the parking spaces and sold all of them in advance of the game in 24 hours and got the word out to hundreds of Dolphins fans who had made the trip. Ace did all the hard work and got all the food and booze and we went from a small tailgate into a massive event in just five days!
The game itself was a disaster but the Lambeau experience was so amazing. I honestly enjoyed the misery of sitting on cold ass metal bleachers in freezing weather and cheering on my team even though only half of them were there because of all the injuries. The fans in Green Bay are great and they understand we are there to appreciate Lambeau and the amazing history of that holiest of football locations. We got to do a tour of Lambeau the night before and it was really amazing. Every bit of the trip was great except for the actual game.
Oh, I totally forgot. We went by the team hotel after the Lambeau tour and we talked to a couple of players (Stills and Asiata) but we also ran into Tom Garfinkel who for some reason wanted a photo with us (Ace and I) and we ended up hanging out with Nat Moore at the bar and he told us some great stories and argued with us about what players belonged in the Ring of Honor. He also kept telling us about how great the #MetLifeTakeover was which is pretty much the greatest compliment we could get. He was saying how much it means to the players when all you can hear is LET’S GO DOLPHINS in the 4th quarter. Such a fun night.
So yeah, our trip was a great success, I just wish I could say the same for the Dolphins. We also ended up raising $800 for the Green Bay Toys 4 Tots at the tailgate! Thanks to everyone who chipped in, brought some booze, or just hung out. I heard it was the biggest contingent of away fans ever at Lambeau. That’s probably not true, but I am willing to pretend!
Now check out all the photos from the tailgate (and a few from the Lambeau tour) below!

Tags: dolfans nyc, DolfansNYC, extreme audio, green bay, green bay packers, lambeau, lambeau field, miami dolphins, tailgate, tailgating
Posted in On The Road, Photos, Recaps | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
Every football fan should go to Lambeau once in their lifetime and every 8 years Dolphins fans get the chance to see their team play in the football world’s Mecca. As soon as the schedule came out a group of Dolfans NYC members set our plans in motion. Since then our group has grown and I found out that a bunch of our other members were going as well. When I mentioned we were going on Twitter Dolphins fans all over the country reached out to me about what we were doing for a tailgate. Well, we have finally figured that out!
Former Palm Beach Post Dolphins writer Andrew Abramson reached out to me about a friend of his living in Wisconsin who had a perfect spot for a tailgate. Andrew was a #MetLifeTakeover regular when he was covering the team and knew we were going and wanted to connect. He put me in touch with his friend Ace who got us access to a store called Extreme Audio (757 Mike McCarthy Way) that is only one block from the stadium! The store acts as a parking lot for Lambeau on Game Day, but the owner is willing to sell us the parking spaces in advance.
Between Andrew, Ace and Dolfans NYC we have purchased 6 spaces that we are going to leave empty for the tailgate as well as a couple of spaces that we are going to be parking in. If you want to park in the lot as well (way cheaper than actual Lambeau parking) email and let him know ASAP. There are only about a dozen spots left so first come first serve!
As far as the actual tailgate goes, we will be kicking off at noon, with the game starting at 3:25pm we should have plenty of time to pregame. We have 50 burgers, 50 brats and some vegetarian options. We are gonna have some beer and water, but please BYOB because we aren’t going to have enough for everyone. The tailgate is technically free but we ask everyone to make some sort of donation. After we recoup the funds we spent on food/parking all left over money will be donated to Toys 4 Tots. You can also bring an unwrapped toy as payment as well. Extreme Audio does a Toys 4 Tots fundraiser every year so we figured this was a perfect way to thank them for hosting us and to do some good for the Green Bay community. If you want to donate directly please PayPal us at I think a $10 per person donation would be perfect.
So to sum it all up, every Dolphins fan is invited to party with us before the Green Bay game. If you want to eat our food bring $10 or a toy for the charity drive. If you want to park near us make sure you email Ace ASAP. And if you want to drink, please BYOB. Obviously anyone who wants to bring other snacks and stuff we would love it. This should be an amazing experience no matter what happens on the field. Stay warm out there!

Tags: dolfans nyc, DolfansNYC, green bay, green bay packers, lambeau, miami dolphins, nyf, tailgate, tailgating
Posted in Events, On The Road | Comments Off on DolfansNYC Tailgate in Green Bay
Wednesday, September 19th, 2018
The #MetLifeTakeover was such an amazing success this year. From our pre-party to our tailgate to our fundraising efforts to our impact from the stands to the score of the game everything was pretty much perfect. I didn’t take a ton of photos because I was too busy running around the whole time but I wanted to give you a quick rundown of the weekend and share some of my photos, but the real fun is going to be when you see the video we filmed at the game. It should be pretty incredible.
The first group of photos are from our party on Saturday night at Slattery’s Midtown Pub. We had a great turnout and ended up raising about $1000 for the Miami Dolphins Foundation through our raffles and auctions. We had DJ Tropic spin and Solo D performed, or at least he tried to. The speakers at Slattery’s aren’t exactly ideal for a live performance, but it was still a lot of fun. I love this party we do every year. It gives everyone in from out of town a chance to meet up and check out our bar and our little Dolfans NYC museum we have in the back.
The rest of the photos are from our tailgate which has to have been the best one yet. Last year we ended up partnering with Urban Tailgate at the last minute and things went great but we had some minor issues that all seemed to have worked out this year. It was also the second year in a row that Joe Rose filmed his show “Cup of Joe” live from our tailgate and this year his guests included the legendary Marks Brothers, Mark Duper and Mark Clayton. He also had Kim Bokamper as a guest who has always been super supportive of our group. Nat Moore also came to the tailgate for the 7th or 8th time which is pretty amazing. He was the first person from the Dolphins who ever checked out the club way back when it was at Third and Long and there were only a few dozen of us. Michelle and I also went on the show and donated a $2000 check to the Miami Dolphins Foundation to Jason Jenkins from the Dolphins, another one of our early supporters at the team.
Once again DJ Tropic DJ’d at the tailgate and this time Solo D got some redemption from the bad sound the night before at Slattery’s. He played to a completely pumped group of people at the tailgate and the soundsystem was great. I took photos of his first song and then got myself up on Urban Tailgate’s UHaul so I could get a good group photo and I got to see the end of his set from a above and the crowd was rocking. It was so much fun to watch people just getting crazy hours before kickoff. That energy really carried over because despite the heat our section was loud and going nuts all game long.
Obviously the game was amazing and our crew could easily be heard on TV during the game and our camera guy got his camera into the stands so we should have some really amazing crowd footage for the first time ever. So huge shout out to Curtis and his crew from RizeOptix and our buddy Oscar who hosted the video for us. I can’t wait to see the finished thing and I can’t wait for you to see it, but in the meantime check out this trailer Curtis put together!
Lastly, we did a raffle for the Jason Taylor Foundation and they sent us a signed TJ jersey and we sold raffle tickets for it online, at the party at Slattery’s and all day long at the game, and we raised $1000 for the Foundation and then we as a club matched it. So that’s $2000 for the JT Foundation to go with the $2000 we donated to the Miami Dolphins Foundation. And that doesn’t even include the money we raised from merch and ticket sales. We are gonna be able to do a lot of good with the money we raised.
Now it’s time to check out my photos from both days of the #MetLifeTakeover and we will be back soon with our epic #MetLifeTakeover video!

Tags: dolfans nyc, DolfansNYC, metlife stadium, metlife takeover, metlifetakeover, miami dolphins, new york jets, slattery's, slattery's midtown pub, tailgate
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Wednesday, September 5th, 2018
As of this morning the #MetLifeTakeover tickets are all sold out! We are talking to the Jets about trying to get a couple more rows in another section close by but we have already sold over 1000 tickets! Even if you don’t get tickets with us everyone is invited to both the tailgate and the pre-party at our bar Slattery’s Midtown Pub. We also partnered with the NFL Experience to get you guys discount tickets with to their Times Square attraction.
Let’s start with the tailgate! The catered tailgate is being offered by Urban Tailgate up until game day, but our discount code only works until tomorrow night so this is your last chance to get the all you can eat and drink tailgate for $65. You can read more about it over on the #MetLifeTakeover FAQ and you can buy your tickets via Urban Tailgate here. The $20 off coupon is “DOLFANSNYC2018” and if you get the cheaper no alcohol option you can still get $10 off using “FINSUP” as the coupon code. And as always you are more than welcome to enjoy the tailgate party with us for free. Just BYO if you want to eat or drink but come party with us. We have a ton of stuff going on including raffles, merch sales, a live taping of Joe Rose & Nat Moore’s “Cup of Joe” and a performance from Solo D.
Speaking of Solo D he is also going to be performing at our Pre-Party at Slattery’s Midtown Pub. The party is going to start early at 6pm so that we can end by 9pm so people can still get some sleep before the #MetLifeTakeover. Slattery’s is at 8 E. 36th St in Manhattan and is walkable from Penn Station, Times Square and a ton of other Subway stops. On top of the Solo D performance we will have merch for sale, raffles and maybe even a live auction if we get a good crowd. We also just redid our Dolfans NYC museum in the back of Slattery’s so make sure you check that out. A lot of work went into that space.
Lastly I want to mention the NFL Experience promotion we are doing. The NFL Experience Times Square is a “football theme park” that features memorabilia, games, photo ops and much more. This article gives a pretty good run down of what you can expect if you visit. They call it “Disney meets the Hall of Fame meets Dave & Busters”. They reached out to us about doing something with us so we figured the #MetLifeTakeover weekend was a perfect opportunity since a bunch of people will be in town for the game. If you want to check it out we have discount tickets available on Friday and Saturday. It’s not too far away from Slattery’s so if you want to stop by before our event Saturday it should be the perfect pre-game to the pre-party. You can use the coupon code “DOLFANSNYC18” to get tickets for just $25 which normally run you $39. Should be a really fun weekend.
Okay, so that’s it! See a lot of you at Slattery’s on Sunday for the first bit of real football in a long, long time! Phins up!
Tags: dolfans nyc, events, metlifetakeover, miami dolphins, nfl experience, slattery's, tailgate
Posted in Events | Comments Off on #MetLifeTakeover Pre-Party & NFL Experience
Thursday, October 19th, 2017
Every year we try to up the #MetLifeTakeover and so every year we try and raise the level of our annual #MetLifeTakeover video. It was pretty hard to outdo the last video, which was hosted by Dolphins legend Sam Madison, but I think we may have done it!
This year the #MetLifeTakoever was really on another level. Thanks to an early season game we had one of our biggest crowds with over 1100 people and thanks to our partnership with Urban Tailgate the party in the parking lot was out of control.
Both of the video teams from the last few years were unavailable and we sort of scrambled at the last minute to find a crew. Fortunately Curtis over at RizeOptix was recommended to us by one of our Twitter followers. He absolutely killed it with the video with a lot of help from our host Oscar Collazos. Oscar is a die hard Dolphins fan who happens to be a professional comedian. With no Dolphin royalty available to host Oscar was the perfect choice for the video and he did a fantastic job.
This video features interviews with former Dolphins Nat Moore & Joe Rose as well as Dolphins CEO Tom Garfinkel and Dolphins SVP of Communications & Community Affairs Jason Jenkins. Jason has actually been to every single #MetLifeTakeover and seems to really support what we are doing. There’s also an interview with Brian Miller who runs and did a series of stories about the #MetLifeTakeover. He also has been uploading virtual reality video to his new YouTube channel Phinatics360.
Also in the video is footage from our pre-party at Slattery’s Midtown Pub the night before and a performance from SoLo D. Every time I watch our video I get his song “Hit Squad” stuck in my head. I also need to give a shout out to DJ Tropic for DJing both parties and Sailor Jerry for sponsoring the tailgate.
Lastly, and probably most importantly I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the takeover, came to the tailgate, bought a raffle ticket, bought a t-shirt or just threw a couple dollar bills into a bucket at one of our weekly meet ups at Slattery’s. Because of you guys we have been able to donate $13,750 to charity this year and don’t think we are done giving. Just today we donated to Koa Misi’s CA wildfire fundraiser and we plan on doing more with Dolfans who live in Northern California.
We will have a full breakdown of everything we have donated at the end of the season but here’s an overview: We have donated $7000 to the Miami Dolphins Foundation, $2000 to the Dolphins Cycling Challenge, $1000 to RISE, $900 to cancer research charities, $2300 for various disaster relief efforts and several hundred dollars to our own members in need.
Okay, enough rambling. Let’s watch the 2017 #MetLifeTakeover video!
Tags: dolphins, metlife stadium, metlife takeover, metlifetakeover, miami, miami dolphins, new york jets, NFL, nyc, oscar collazos, tailgate
Posted in Video | Comments Off on 2017 #MetLifeTakeover Video!
Monday, September 25th, 2017
Ignoring everything that happened after 1pm, yesterday was a tremendous success. We had over 1000 Dolphins fans sit together, threw one hell of a tailgate and raised a TON of money for charity. I just wanted to quickly thank everyone who came out especially our volunteers and everyone who helped us get stuff on and off the busses. The day went very smoothly right up until the moment the game started.
Huge shout out to Urban Tailgate for their help with the party. We had a few tiny hiccups (the Jets wouldn’t lets us park our busses by the tailgate!) but overall it was amazing. We had some complaints about the cost before the tailgate but I didn’t hear a single complaint afterwards. I have a feeling we are not gonna have any trouble selling tickets next year. This tailgate was fairly last minute and I can’t wait until next year because we are gonna up the game on everything. Next year should be epic.
Thanks to DJ Tropic for playing music and Solo D and DWA for playing a few songs and keeping the crowd going long after the performance.
Thanks to Joe Rose and the team at Cup Of Joe for taping their show live at our tailgate. Nat Moore and Tom Garfinkel were guests on the show and hung out a bunch. Thanks to Jason Jenkins who helped put that together and has been at pretty much every Takeover. He’s a huge supporter of what we do. Jim Jenson came by the tailgate too just to hang out. That was pretty amazing. Thanks Crash!
And finally thanks to our liquor sponsor Sailor Jerry. They have sponsored the last few tailgates and we really appreciate the love. I think they actually have a bar at Hard Rock Stadium.
I am sure I am missing some people but we will thank them all in the wrap up video. We will also have an update of all the money we were able to donate to charity thanks to this weekend, but I should mention that the Cam Wake signed helmet raffle raised nearly $1800 alone for the Miami Dolphins Foundation and we donate $500 to Kiko Alonso’s hurricane fundraiser after the raffle we did at the party at Slattery’s Saturday night.
I gotta be honest and tell you that after the tailgate last year I was completely burnt out and ready to never do this again, but this year I am just sunburnt and ready to start planning the 2018 Takeover!
Phins up, Jets still suck, check out all the pictures below!

Tags: crash jensen, cup of joe, dolfans nyc, DolfansNYC, dwa, joe rose, melife staidum, metlife takeover, metlifetakeover, miami dolphins, Nat Moore, new york jets, NFL, sailor jerry, solo d, tailgate, tom garfinkel, urban tailage
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