
The Dolphins took out the Jets yesterday and may have redeemed Ted Ginn at least for a few days. It was a great thing to watch and we were there.  DolfansNYC turned out in force and we helped take over the stadium. It was beautiful.  Besides the 30 tickets we bought as a group a ton of other members came out to tailgate and we had a blast.  We passed out nearly 300 flyers for the club, so I expect next Sunday’s tailgate party/fundraiser for the Pats game to be nuts.  We have worked it out so there will be a huge spread of food at Third and Long that you can gorge yourself on for $10 which goes to promoting the club and to Third & Longs charity the I Will Foundation.  But back to yesterday…

I took a ton of pictures of the tailgate and Michelle shot a lot of video. We will have two new videos going up this week and Michelle is going to give you her own recap of our tailgate party.  What a weekend.  Check out the pictures below and as always double click the slideshow to go to the Flickr page to download the images.

[tylr-slidr userID=”” groupID=””]http://www.flickr.com/photos/dolfansnyc/sets/72157622589325979/[/tylr-slidr]

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2 Responses to “Sweeeep!”

  1. shaun Says:

    Great meeting you guys this weekend! Pics look great, next time we are in the City we will be at third and long!

  2. ticketgenie.com – Your Source to buy Concert Tickets, Sports Tickets and Theater Tickets Says:

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    My condolences to Alisa Craddock for the inevitable loss the Jacksonville Jaguars suffered at the hands of the New England Patriots. They hung in with them for half a game but they discovered what every other team this season has learned: You do not gi…

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