Are You Ready For Some Football?!

Guess what? It’s football season and on Sunday DolfansNYC is having their first meet up of the year! We will be going crazy at 3rd & Long. The bar opens at noon and I would say get there early if you want a seat…

If you have not been to 3rd and Long before here is some info. The bar is located on the Southeast corner of 35th and 3rd in Murray Hill. The closest stop is the 6 Train at 33rd and Lexington. There will be drink specials if you wear Dolphins gear and while the bar does not serve food, you are encouraged to bring you own. There are a lot of good places to eat right around the bar and Third and Long as binder full of delivery options. It’s always funny to see a delivery guy deliver to a bar.

This year we have been asked by the Miami Dolphins to raise money for the Miami Dolphin Foundation charity. Our personal goal is $1000 but I would like to see us raise $1500. We have already raised $100 by selling an ad on the DolfansNYC website, so we only have $900 more to go to reach our goal.

We will be doing raffles like we did last year at a number of the games. We aren’t doing on this week but we will be selling DolfansNYC t-shirts for $15 with half of the money going to charity and half of the money going to DolfansNYC so we can do things like pay for the shirts, promote the club and buy stuff for the raffles. If you have any ideas for fundraising let us know.

Lastly Michelle recently got a job working for Showtime Sports. This is a bit of a good news/ bad news thing for us at DolfansNYC. Obviously the good news is that Michelle got pretty much her dream job. The bad news is that she might not be able to be at all of our events and help out as much as last year. But the other good news is that this week she is going to be filming 3rd & Long for a Showtime Sports feature on NFL Fans in NYC. So come out this Sunday and we will make you famous!

Not sure if I have any other news for you guys, but this should be an exciting year. I think the bar will be packed with Dolphins fans. I will just show you guys one other thing. If you haven’t been to 3rd and Long for a DolfansNYC event, here is a YouTube video we filmed last year that gives you a little bit of look into what DolfansNYC is all about.

Go Dolphins!

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