A Good Cause and A Good Cry

Well, I’m almost recovered from that terrible loss to the Patriots – a team that I dislike A LOT! As some of you may know, I used to watch the Phins games in a Pats bar. It was brutal, week after week, but also inspired Igor and I to start DolfansNYC, so certainly a bittersweet experience.
In any case, the thing that definitely helped me feel better about the game was looking back at how awesome the people at Third and Long were on Sunday. So many of you contributed to our fundraiser to support the club and The I Will Foundation. I had a terrific opportunity to meet Matt Long, the founder of I Will. His story is moving and inspiring and I encourage all of you to check it out on his website iwillfoundation.com We talked about having him come in to meet everyone during one of our games in December, which is going to be awesome!
Dolfans – I can’t thank you all enough for your generosity, enthusiasm and great energy! You are the reason this club is so awesome and I look forward to seeing you guys during the weeks ahead.
Also a VERY special thanks to Curtis, the manager at the bar, who has been a great supporter of DolfansNYC and continues to be a rock star! You’re the best!
Enjoy this short video from Sunday at Third and Long.

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One Response to “A Good Cause and A Good Cry”

  1. Luca Evangelista Says:

    Hello folks! i saw the great videoclip. Unfortunatelly we lost that game but im still proud of my guys.
    anway im writing you to let you know this:
    my website address is changed
    DOL FAN ITALIA now is http://www.dolfanitalia.com
    im still full of work and really busy with mant stuff to set but…. i hope to upgrade my website soon.

    Salute to all of you.
    Ciao Luca Go Dolphins

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