Introducing The New Dolfans NYC Logo

Well the Dolphins have a new logo and everyone kept asking us if we were going to update our…. well the answer is yes and here it is! It was designed by infamous comic book/skate board/heavy metal illustrator James “Barf” Callahan. He designed our last logo and I had to hit him up again. I have been fortunate to have known Barf for over a decade and I knew he could take the Dolphins new logo and make it our own. We stuck with the old Dolfans NYC sun, but since the helmet was gone the NY was no longer an option. I asked Barf to do something to make our logo stand out and he came up with the water dripping off the Dolphin. Personally I think it’s bad ass. It makes our logo stand out from the Dolphins version and his scowl makes him look a little more “New York”.

I hope you guys like the logo as much as we do and we will have new t-shirts on sale at Slattery’s Midtown Pub week one. New logo, new bar, new year. Let’s Go Dolphins!!

New Dolfans NYC Logo!


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11 Responses to “Introducing The New Dolfans NYC Logo”

  1. Sergio Says:

    All i can say is “AWESOME”……. shout out from Los Angeles, Ca!!

  2. Mike Says:

    Please tell me you guys have that logo available on a t-shirt… please.

  3. admin Says:

    @Mike Not yet, but we will by week one!

  4. admin Says:

    @sergio I am trying to help start at LA version of Dolfans NYC. Will you email me at if you would be interested? I am trying to get a group together…

  5. Jake Says:

    Absolutely Bad Ass!

  6. Scott Higgins Says:

    I Love It!

  7. Kevin Says:

    Absolutely awesome from an Upstate NY Dolfan!

  8. Travis Says:

    Off the hook logo yea I need a t shirt norcal dolfans monterey ca go phins!!!

  9. alex Says:

    So, I think this logo is line with how bad ass this team is going to be!
    GO FINS!

  10. Rene Says:

    I wish this was the logo the phins actually used!
    Great Work!

  11. Montrealdolfan Says:

    I love the new logo! Unique and a good mix of Miami and NYC! Can’t wait to see it at #metlifetakeover2013

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