Dolphins @ Jets Tickets!!

Hey DolfansNYC!

We hope everyone is having a great summer! Hard to believe that football season is only 5 weeks away. Can’t wait for it all to start again and for everyone to get together at Third and Long!

We have GREAT news — as you know, every year we organize a large group of Phins fans to invade the Meadowlands to see Miami take on the Jets. And every year we do our very best to get everyone sitting together, at least in neighboring sections.

This year will be our best effort to date as we’ve been in touch with the Met Life Stadium Ticket Office and they have FOUR back-to-back rows (all seats in all 4 rows TOGETHER) available for us if we want them!! The game is at 1:00pm on Sunday, October 28th.

That’s a possible 111 Dolphins fans sitting ALL TOGETHER!

This is ONLY possible in one section of the stadium. All other group seats are more scattered, so we wouldn’t all be together.

The seats are in Section 323, Rows 16 – 19 (Click here for the stadium seating chart).


-The price of the tickets will be NO MORE THAN $75 per person. NO TAXES. NO FEES. $75. That’s it. (For the record, this is the LOWEST that DolfansNYC has ever paid for their group tix!)

-Please e-mail us ASAP at and tell us if you are interested in attending the game as part of our group. I HAVE TO CONFIRM WITH THE TICKET OFFICE IMMEDIATELY SO THEY HOLD THE SEATS.

-Please ONLY respond if you are sure you can be there and if you are able to get the money to us within the next week.

-In order to reserve the seats we have to put down a deposit and I can’t put that all on my credit card. 🙂

In addition to attending the game, we are definitely looking into the cost of organizing a bus to take us to and from the stadium so we can travel together and tailgate. More details (times, costs, etc) on that to come later.

Right now we really just need to know who is in for this group of tix so we can reserve them before we lose them. Please e-mail us at and let us know how many tix you want.

Thanks everyone!!!
-Michelle & Igor

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2 Responses to “Dolphins @ Jets Tickets!!”

  1. Lee Henthorn Says:

    I would be very intereted in attending this game. I would like to purchase 4 tickets if possible.

  2. admin Says:

    Email and Michelle will make it happen!

    – Igor

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