Channing’s Mom Will Teach Your Mom

If you have female friends or family in South Florida right now this post is for you…

I received an e-mail from fellow female Dolfan, Pauline Crowder (mother of the Dolphins’ own Channing Crowder). She has been dedicating her time to educating women on the game of football and helping them to understand and appreciate this awesome game! It’s always great to see the women out there supporting football and especially the Dolphins! I wanted to share Pauline’s e-mail with you and also let you know about some upcoming events that she is hosting and how you can participate. Thank you Pauline!

We have weekly seminars at Bokampers Sports Bar in Plantation at 7:00 p.m. right before Monday Night Football
We are also holding a seminar at the Bank Atlantic Service Center on Cypress Creek this Tuesday, October 27th at 6:00 p.m. The seminars usually last about an hour and a half. They are interactive — questions are encouraged. Channing joins us near the end of the seminar, so everyone has an opportunity to talk with him, have him sign autographs, take pictures, etc. In addition to being informative, they are lots of fun.
Visit the website:

Live Seminars at Bokampers Sports Bar and Grill
1280 S. Pine Island Rd. Plantation, FL 33324 954-533-7152
Presented by V Georgio Vodka.Complimentary appetizers and drink specials.

Live Seminars at BankAtlantic
2100 W. Cypress Creek Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33309
Tuesday, 1O/27/09 6:00pm

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