September 8th, 2014
Yesterday was amazing. Not only did the Dolphins TROUNCE the Patriots but we had an amazing first day at Slattery’s Midtown Pub. About 400 Dolphins fans showed up to our first meet up of 2014 and it was a blast. We had some technical issues to start the day with DJ Tropic’s DJ set up not quite working as planned and the upstairs TV’s looking like the Dolphins were wearing the Detroit Lions jerseys in the first half but DJ Tropic managed to kill it despite his limitations and the TV’s got fixed before the second half. Things are only going to get better from here!
We have a lot more planned this year and hopefully the Dolphins will keep winning so that you guys will keep coming back in crazy numbers like yesterday. It was so much fun and we raised over $1000 for charity through the massive raffle and t-shirt sales and that doesn’t include our cut of the bar tab. We aren’t going to have a raffle every week but between our weekly events and the #MetLifeTakeover our plan is to donate over $10,000 to charity this year.
Now about the game! Can you believe the Dolphins beat the Patriots by double digits despite giving the ball up three times, settling for four field goals, playing without three starting linebackers, Mike Pouncy, Reshad Jones and Dion Jordan, and getting mediocre QB play? Obviously we are going to have more injuries this year and we already lost Ellerbe for the season, but this team is just going to keep getting better. Even Tannehill haters know he can pretty constantly play better than yesterday. With this suddenly powerful run first offense Tannehill can be a game manager and still succeed. The Patriots look worse than ever, the Jets looked pretty bad despite the win and I still don’t think the Bills can be competitive with EJ Manuel. This season could be a lot of fun if yesterday wasn’t a fluke.
Time for some photos! I took a bunch of photos before and after the game. I was way too panicked to do anything during the game despite an appearance from Michelle’s son Charlie! Also, despite being a professional photographer I took EXTREMELY mediocre photos. Oh well, such is life. You guys will probably dig them anyway.
So check out the photos below! Phins up!
Tags: dolfans nyc, miami dolphins, New England Patriots, new york city miami dolphins fans, Photos, slattery's, slattery's midtown pub
Posted by Dolfans NYC in Photos, Recaps | Comments Off on Patriots Game Day Photos!
September 6th, 2014
The first game of the year is tomorrow and I know everyone could not be more excited. I will probably get about two hours of sleep tonight. It’s like Christmas morning for adults! Slattery’s is going to be rocking tomorrow so make sure you get there early! The bar will be open at 11! It’s going to be amazing and in celebration of opening day we are launching the Dolfans NYC E-Shop!
As long as there has been a Dolfans NYC logo people have wanted t-shirts with that logo on it so of course we made t-shirts. Of course when that happened people who didn’t live in NYC wanted the shirts. For years we have said that the shirts were only available at Dolfans NYC events because we wanted people to have a reason to come to our watch parties. That was partly true, but the real reason is that I hate going to the post office and didn’t want to deal with any of the shipping. Michelle has a full time job and a baby and I run my own business. We just simply don’t have time to ship stuff.
Fortunately we found a solution! A friend of mine for nearly 20 years runs a small record label and record distribution company called Handstand Records and I pitched him the idea of selling some Dolfans NYC stuff for us. He is sending out shipments every day already and was open to the idea of selling our gear. Not only that but he built the web store for us!
So now you can get Dolfans NYC T-shirts anywhere in the world! (Looking at you Belgium!) Plus we have some new stuff this year like tote bags! Ooh! When it gets a little colder we plan on making some sweat shirts and reprinting the very popular Dolfans NYC beanies, plus we have some surprises in store! So keep checking back!
And remember all the money we make (after Handstand’s cut) goes back to the Dolfans NYC war chest which is used to buy more merchandise, throw bigger and better events and most importantly donate money to charity! We have donated nearly $10,000 to the Miami Dolphins Foundation alone! So spend some money, get some cool stuff and do some good!
So click here already and visit the Dolfans NYC Web Store!!

Tags: dolfans nyc, dolfans nyc tshirts, dolphins, merch, miami, miami dolphins, New England Patriots, new york city, nyc, web store
Posted by Dolfans NYC in Shop | 3 Comments »
September 2nd, 2014
Hey Dolphins fans! The season starts in two days. I can’t even believe it! This is probably the best team of the Philbin era so I am hoping we have a great year. At the very least I know Dolfans NYC are going to have a lot of fun at Slattery’s Midtown Pub and Sunday will be no exception.
On the football side, I am a bit nervous about going up against the Patriots week one, but last time we played them we beat them so I am hoping week 1 will be no different. We got the heat on our side and our defensive line should put a hurting on Tom Brady… but they are still the Patriots and until we prove otherwise they are still the favorites to win this game.
But this week at Slattery’s is going to be a party no matter what! Make sure you get there early! The bar opens at 11am and it is sure to be packed! The bar has more TVs this year, updated menu and specials on food and drinks. Plus we will be giving out discount cards f0r 10% off any time you come back to the bar not during a Dolphins game!
We are going to have DJ Tropic DJing EVERY game this year. If you made it out to one of our prime time games last year you know how much fun it’s going to be with him DJing. And don’t worry, he only DJ’s during the commercials and half time. We will still have the sound on the game.
Make sure to bring your wallets! We are having our biggest raffle ever this Sunday! The prizes are a surprise but there will be three prizes drawn every quarter and a 13th prize will be drawn at the end of the game and we can give that one away… it’s a signed Dan Marino ball! Plus everyone who wins will be given a Dolphins autographed commemorative ticket in addition to their prize! We have some pretty serious prizes picked out!
We also have all new merch this year! We ended up buying a bunch of shirts from a t-shirt company that went out of business so we have some very nice shirts, including some blue ones. We also have black shirts for the first time ever and we have tote bags! Oooh! In addition we have more merch planned for later in the season when it gets cold so be on the look out for that every Sunday at Slattery’s.
And remember, all the money we raise gets split between charitable causes and more great Dolfans NYC merch and events! We have raised more than $20,000 for charity in the last few years!
I will be taking photos for the website this week and we have some other surprises in store for you guys both this week and for later in the season. It should be pretty epic this year and the Dolphins are working with us more than ever to insure that Dolfans NYC will be better and better. Can’t wait to see you guys on Sunday! Phins up!
Tags: dj tropic, dolfans nyc, DolfansNYC, miami dolphins, miami dolphins new york city, New England Patriots, new york city, new york city miami dolphins fan club, new york city miami dolphins sports bar, nyc, slattery's, slattery's midtown pub
Posted by Dolfans NYC in Events | Comments Off on NYC Are You Ready For Week One?