Dolfans NYC Take Over The Meadowlands
Dolfans NYC rode in to the belly of the beast last weekend. It is our third group to the Meadowlands to watch our Dolphins take on the New York Jets. The first year there were only a few of us. Last year we had about a dozen… This year we bought 63 tickets to the game and held a huge tailgate with tons of Dolphins fans from all over the greater New York area. The size of the group may be different but the results have been the same time. Dolfans NYC has walked out of that stadium with a victory.
When we showed up to Giants Stadium at 11:30 in the morning it was pouring rain. We had bought a little tent but the wind was blowing so hard we didn’t have any idea how we were going to set it up. We had a bunch of meat in the car that was getting warm so I got out and put everything into these cheap coolers we bought. The first cooler ripped to bits when I dropped the ice in and started blowing away. After a fierce struggle I got everything into the other cooler and returned to the car freezing and completely soaked. Around 12 another car showed up and the rain had let up a little bit. They were ready to face the elements so we tried to set up this tent tying the thing to the cars with ribbon that Michelle bought to hang up balloons. It was a very haphazard set up but it was good enough to get the grill set up. When the wind picked up a few minutes later the tent almost blew away but we held it down until the wind actually bent the poles so badly that we had to throw the thing away after the tailgate. At some point the rain slowed to a drizzle and a bunch more Dolphins fans showed up and we had ourselves a party.
Thanks to Buffalo Trace Bourbon for providing us with a lot of free booze for the tailgate!
The game itself was a mess but I had 16 tickets in my section and we just happened to luck out and were sitting with another handful of Phins fans. We had some very big dudes with us and some very drunk dudes with us and we just ruined the game for every Jets fan around us and that is exactly what we came to do. In the end the Dolphins won and we were completely drenched and freezing, but we couldn’t be more content as we walked out of Giants Stadium singing the Dolphins fight song.
I uploaded all the photos to my other website. So click here to check out all the pictures from the Dolfans NYC tailgate.
Ps. Check back tomorrow for info about the big party this weekend at Third & Long! Raffles, free Buffalo wings and serious drink specials from Buffalo Trace!

Tags: miami dolphins, new york jets, Photos, recap, road trip, tailgate
December 15th, 2010 at 10:39 pm
Awesome story man! Keep up the good work in the years to come and may the hated Jets never win another game!
December 15th, 2010 at 10:57 pm
Hey-i would love to be a part of your tailgate at the Meadowlands next year. I live on LI and so does my brother. Also have a good friend in Westchester that loves the Fins. Let me know how we can get in with you guys!
December 16th, 2010 at 4:44 am
Joining the Facebook group is the best way to stay in touch with us…
December 16th, 2010 at 7:37 am
December 16th, 2010 at 10:12 am
im the big black guy who took off his shirt who has the pic at the end of the game in the stands.
December 16th, 2010 at 9:26 pm
Hey steve. It was awesome watching the game with you. Hopefully we can get up next time we come down to Miami. And if you come back for the Jets game next year you gotta get at us. Unfortunately that picture at the end didn’t come out. The guy who took it didn’t do a very good job and it was totally blurry.